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Koranexegese, Grammatik und Logik. Zum Verhältnis von arabischer und aristotelischer Urteils-, Konsequenz- und Schlußlehre (Cornelia SCHÖCK)

Koranexegese, Grammatik und Logik. Zum Verhältnis von arabischer und (…)

Home > Bibliography/Web > Collections > English Collections > Islamic Philosophy theology and Science - Texts and studies (Brill) > Koranexegese, Grammatik und Logik. Zum Verhältnis von arabischer und (…)


From its beginning in the 8th century Islamic dialectical theology (kalām) was increasingly influenced by Peripatetical Logic. The ‘orthodox’ solutions of the main problems of Muslim theology are the result of centuries of dispute between scholars arguing on the basis of grammatical and logical arguments. This volume offers a new approach in the problems of Islamic hermeneutics and the understanding of Quraʾnic exegesis, Muslim theology and the appropriation of Peripatetical logic in the Arabic world.
Subjects included are the problems of name (ism) and qualification (waṣf), condition (šarṭ) and consequence (ğazāʾ), the whole (kull) and the part (baʿḍ), the general (ʿāmm) and the special (ḫāṣṣ), expression (lafẓ) and matter (mādda), signification by expression (dalīl al-lafẓ) and signification by inference (dalīl al-ʿaql).

(Source : Brill)