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A comprehensive commentary on the Qurán : comprising Sale’s translation and preliminary discourse (Elwood Morris WHERRY)

A comprehensive commentary on the Qurán : comprising Sale's translation (…)

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Elwood Morris Wherry (1843-1927) était un prêtre anglican et missionnaire en Inde. Il édita une traduction et un commentaire du Coran.

Préface (extraits, Tome I p.VI-VII)

"My object has been to gather up in a few volumes
the results of the labours of those vho have endeavoured
to elucidate, the text of the Quran, adding the results of
my own study. It is in this sense that this work is entitled a Comprehensive Commentary. Though primarily
intended for the use of those who, like my«elf, are engaged
in missionary work among Muhammadans, it is hoped
that it wiU render valuable service to others.

The plan adopted in the preparation of this work is as
follows : —

I, To present Sale’s translation of the Quran in the
form of the Arabic original, indicating the Sipara, Surat,
Ruqu of the Sipara, Ruqu of the Surat, &c., as they are in
the best Oriental editions.

II. To number the verses as they are in the Roman
Urdu edition of Maulvi Abdul Qadir’s translation. This
arrangement will be of special benefit to missionaries in

III. To exihibit in tiic notes and comments the views
of the best Muslim commentators. For these I am in-
debted for the most part to Sale, the Tafsir-i-Raufi the
Tafdr-Hussaini the Tafsir-i Fatah- ar-Rahman, and the
notes on Abdul Qadir’s Urdu translation of the Quran.
Sale’s notes have been almost entirely drawn (with the
aid of Maracci’s work in Latin) from the standard writings
of Baidhiwi, the Jalalain, and Al ZamakhiiharL I have
also culled much from some of the best European writers
on Islam, a list of whose works may be found below.

IV, To the above is prefixed Sale’s Preliminary Dis-
course, with additional notes and emendations. And
the last Volume will contain a complete Index, both to
the text of, and the notes on the Quran, which will enable
the reader to acquaint himself with the teaching of the Quran on any particular subject, with a Tery snrall amount
of labour.

E. M. W.

Lodiana, December 31, 1881.

View online : l’ouvrage intégral (les 4 volumes en 1 tome, 1886 ?)