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The sectarian Milieu, Content and composition of islamic salvation history (…)

The sectarian Milieu, Content and composition of islamic salvation history (John WANSBROUGH)

WANSBROUGH (John), The sectarian milieu, content and composition of islamic salvation history, Foreword, Translations, and Expanded notes by Gerald Hawting, Amherst, Prometheus Books, 2006, (…)

The Qur'ân's Self-Image : Writing and Authority in Islam's (…)

The Qur’ân’s Self-Image : Writing and Authority in Islam’s Scripture (Daniel A. MADIGAN)

MADIGAN (Daniel A.), The Qur’ân’s self image: writing and authority in Islam’s scripture, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2001, XV+236 p., Bibliogr; Index. ISBN 0-691-05950-0. L’auteur (…)

Anthropomorphism & Interpretation of the Qur'an in the Theology of (…)

Anthropomorphism & Interpretation of the Qur’an in the Theology of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim Kitab al- Mustarshid (Binyamin ABRAHAMOV)

ABRAHAMOV (Binyamin) Anthropomorphism & Interpretation of the Qur’an in the Theology of al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim Kitab al- Mustarshid, Leiden/New-York/Köln, E.J Brill, ("Islamic Philosophy (…)

Sufi commentaries on the Qur'an in classical Islam (Kristin Zahra SANDS)

Sufi commentaries on the Qur’an in classical Islam (Kristin Zahra SANDS)

SANDS (Kristin Zahra), Sufi commentaries on the Qur’an in classical Islam, New York, Routledge, 2005, VIII+196 p. ISBN 0-415-36685-2 L’auteur Kristin Zahra Sands est professeure d’islamologie (…)

Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism (Meir M. BAR ASHER)

Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism (Meir M. BAR ASHER)

BAR-ASHER (Meʾir Mikhaʾel), Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī-Shiism, Leiden/Boston, Brill, Jerusalem, Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, ("Islamic philosophy and theology ; 37"), XV+274 p. (…)

Activité humaine et agir de Dieu, le concept de "sunan de Dieu" (…)

Activité humaine et agir de Dieu, le concept de "sunan de Dieu" dans le commentaire coranique du Manār (Christian VAN NISPEN TOT SEVENAER)

Van Nispen Tot Sevenaer (Christian), Activité humaine et agir de Dieu, le concept de "sunan de Dieu" dans le commentaire coranique du Manār, Beyrouth, Dar el-Machreq, ("Recherches, Nouvelle série (…)