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God's Other Book : The Qur'an Between History and Ideology

God’s Other Book : The Qur’an Between History and Ideology

Salama (Mohammad), God’s Other Book. The Qur’an between History and Ideology, Oakland, UCP, 2024, 245 p. ISBN 9780520391840 Auteur Mohammad Salama is Professor of Arabic and Qur’anic Studies (…)

The Qur'an and Its Handwritten Transmission. Current Researches

The Qur’an and Its Handwritten Transmission. Current Researches

Déroche (François) -ed.-, The Qur’an and Its Handwritten Transmission. Current Researches, Leiden, Brill, ("Documenta Coranica ; 4"), 2024, 400 p. ISBN 978-90-04-70692-7 Éditeur François (…)