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Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)

Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Ouvrages > Approche historico-critique > Ouvrages en anglais > Muhammad and the Golden Bough, Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Jaroslav STETKEVYCH)


Jaroslav Stetkevych est professeur émérite en littérature arabe à l’Université de Chicago. Il est spécialiste en particulier de la poésie arabe anté-islamique.


Through its development of a methodology for analyzing the mythic and folkloric traditions of pre-Islamic Arabia and the process of their incorporation into Islamic myth and Qur’anic texts, Muhammad and the Golden Bough offers compelling insights for students of Islam, comparative religion, and cultural anthropology. By linking Arabic myth with a broad range of ancient and classical texts—including Gilgamesh, Homer, and the Hebrew Bible—the book makes a provocative contribution to biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies, classics, and comparative literature.

Table des matières

 Introduction : Reclaiming Arabian Myth
 The Textual Puzzle
 The Thamudic Backdrop to the Puzzle
 The First Answer to the Puzzle : The Raid on Tabuk
 The Totem and the Taboo
 Poeticizing the Thamud
 Demythologizing the Thamud
 The Scream
 The Arabian Golden Bough and Kindred Branches : Frazer, Vergil, Homer, and Gilgamesh

(Source : Indiana University Press)