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Verbal idioms of the Qur’ān (Mustansir MIR)

Verbal idioms of the Qur'ān (Mustansir MIR)

Accueil > Bibliographie/Sites > Encyclopédies, dictionnaires, bibliographies > Dictionnaires > Verbal idioms of the Qur’ān (Mustansir MIR)

MIR (Mustansir), Verbal idioms of the Qur’ān, Ann Arbor, Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, the University of Michigan, ("Michigan series on the Middle East ; 1"), 1989, XXI+378 p. Biblio. ISBN 0-932098-21-5


Mustansir Mir est Professeur d’islamologie au Département de Philosophie et des sciences religieuses à l’Université de Youngstown (Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies).


Although medieval Arabic is well represented by dictionaries composed by Muslim scholars in the Middle Ages, the language still presents many lexical difficulties for the student and the mature scholar alike. The source of most such difficulties lies in the extraordinarily large number of idioms, in particular idioms involving verbs, in which the language abounds.