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Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik/Journal for Arabic Linguistics (ZAL/JAL)

Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik/Journal for Arabic Linguistics (ZAL/JAL)

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Présentation (extrait de la Préface du vol. 1/1978)

Our aim in founding the Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik was to establish a journal devoted exclusively to work in the field of Arabic linguistics, which hitherto has been published in a variety of journals of Oriental studies or linguistics ; there was no publication reserved for Arabic linguistics. The Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik sets out to satisfy this need and to be a forum in which the results of research can be brought to the attention of scholars and discussed, new data made available without delay and new scholarly works reviewed. We hope in this way to improve the exchange of information within the field of Arabic linguistics and to contribute towards promoting progress in the discipline, both with regard to data and methods. In addition we would hope to make the discipline more widely known to workers in neighbouring fields and to the interested lay public.

We intend the term Arabic linguistics, as used in the title of the journal, to be understood in a very broad sense. (Lire la suite...)


Les articles relatifs au Coran (depuis le vol 1. en 1978 jusqu’au vol. 49 en 2008)

 J. Tropper, Josephs Gabe der Rätseldeutung (ta’wîlu l’ahâdîthi) im Koran, p. 7-16, Issue 43 (2004).
 A. A. Ambros, Die Funktionen von (min) dûn im Koran, p. 7-19, Issue 39 (2001).
 S.-O. Dahlgren, Word Order and Topicality in the Qur’ân, p. 20-35, Issue 39 (2001).
 M. Schub, Qur’ân 9. 40 : Hâkim al-balad ma’a l-walad fî ghâr al-jabbar, S. 88-90, Issue 38 (2000).
 A. Ambros, An announcement of a projected Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic, p. 91-93, Issue 38 (2000).
 H. Bobzin, Zur Neuaflage von Max Hennings Koranübersetzung, p. 92, Issue 27 (1994).
 K. Versteegh, Three is Crowd : Lawyers and linguists on Qur’ân 4/11, p. 302-315, Issue 25 (1993).
 H. Grotzfeld, Gott und die Welt in Bišmizzîn oder mâ ša’n Allâh. Ein Beitrag zu Motiven und Varianten eines alten Schwanks, p. 154-160, Issue 25 (1993).
 H. Bobzin, Immanuel Kant und die Basmala. Eine Studie zu orientalischer Philologie und Typographie in Deutschland im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, p. 108-131, Issue 25 (1993).
 J. Burton, Q 28:68, p. 132-138, Issue 25 (1993).
 A. A. Ambros, Haplologie und Assimilation im V. und VI. Verbstamm im Koran, p. 1-16, Issue 25 (1993).
 T. Prochazka, Note on the Spoken Arabic of Tihâmat Banî Shihr, p. 99-100, Issue 23 (1991)
 M. B : Schub, "The Male is not like the Female" (Qur’an 3:36), p. 101-104,Issue 23 (1991)
 M. B. Schub, True Belief - a New Translation and Commentary on Sûra 112, p. 80-82, Issue 22 (1990).
 J. Burton, The Reading of Q 20, 63, p. 7-26, Issue 19 (1988).
 A. A. Ambros, Lâkin und lâkinna im Koran, p. 21-30, Issue 17 (1987).
 R. Baalbaki, The Treatment of qirâ’ât by the Second and Third Century Grammarians, p. 11-32, Issue 15 (1985).
 H. Bobzin, Eine mögliche Parallele zu fa-’ummuhû hâwiyatun (Sure 101,9), p. 79-80, Issue 9 (1982).

Les articles sur les dialectes contemporains en Arabie

 P. M. Kurpershoek, Between ad-Daxûl and cAfîf : Oral Traditions of the cUtaybayh Tribe in Central Najd, p. 28-65, Issue 26 (1993).
 T. Prochazka, Jr., The Shîcî Dialects of Bahrain and their Relationship to the Eastern Arabian Dialect of Muharraq and the Omani Dialect of al-Ristâq, p. 16-55, Issue 6 (1981).
 J. Greenman, A Sketch of the Arabic Dialect of the Central Yamani Tihâmah, p. 47-61, Issue 3 (1979).
 B. Ingham, Notes on the Dialect of the Mutair of Eastern Arabia, p. 23-35, Issue 2 (1979).


 C. Holes, Dialect, Culture & Society in Eastern Arabia (J.C.E. Watson), p. 94-96, Issue 42 (2003).
 C. H. M. Versteegh, Arabic Grammar & Qur’ânic Exegesis in Early Islam (M. Muranyi), p. 92, issue 32 (1996).
 T. Prochazka, Jr., Saudi Arabian Dialects (A. S. Kaye), p. 83, Issue 21 (1990).
 B. Ingham, Bedouin of Northern Arabia (A. S. Kaye), p. 88,Issue 21 (1990).
 K. Rudolph, Wellhausen als Arabist (H. Bobzin), p. 104, Issue 20 (1989).
 Corpus des Inscriptions et antiquités Sudarabes. Tome II (T. Bauer), p. 95, Issue 19 (1988).
 A. Neuwirth, Studien zur Komposition der mekkanische Suren (J. Burton) , p. 151, Issue 16 (1987).
 F. Rückert, Der Koran. Im Auszuge übersetzt (H. Bobzin), p. 94, Issue 13 (1984).
 Übersetzung von R. Paret Der Koran (H. Bobzin) , p. 94, Issue 9 (1982)
 F. Leemhuis, The D and H stems in Koranic Arabic (W. Fischer), p. 90, Issue 4 (1980)

(Source : Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik)