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Cette rubrique informe les lecteurs des derniers événements qui marquent la recherche consacrée au Coran. Augmentée très régulièrement au gré des nouvelles informations collectées, la rubrique se décline en cinq parties qui présentent:

 les dernières publications en langue latine (anglais, francais, allemand),

 les colloques passés et à venir (avec leurs liens internet),

 les séminaires et les thèmes étudiés,

 les programmes de recherche,

 les nouveaux sites internet.

Unlocking the Medinan Qur'an / International workshop held at Pembroke (…)

Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an / International workshop held at Pembroke College, Oxford Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK (19–21 March 2017)

Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an 19–21 March 2017 International workshop held at Pembroke College, Oxford Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK Presentation The surahs and (…)

Summer School: The Arabic Manuscript: Codicology, Palaeography, and History (…)

Summer School: The Arabic Manuscript: Codicology, Palaeography, and History Tunis, National Library (July 10-15, 2017)

Summer School: The Arabic Manuscript: Codicology, Palaeography, and History Tunis, National Library, July 10-15, 2017 French and Arabic versions below The National Library of Tunisia and the (…)

Lire le Coran avec Mohammed Arkoun à l'Institut du Monde Arabe (2 Février)

Lire le Coran avec Mohammed Arkoun à l’Institut du Monde Arabe (2 Février)

Presentation Selon Mohammed Arkoun (1928-2010), le Coran devait être lu « comme n’importe quel texte ». A l’occasion de la parution de la version définitive de ses Lectures du Coran, amis et (…)

Qurʾān between Judaism and Christianity (Sunday 16 October)

Qurʾān between Judaism and Christianity (Sunday 16 October)

The University of Nottingham Department of Theology and Religious Studies What can the Qurʾān, the Holy Scripture of Islam, teach us about Judaism and Christianity? How does knowledge about (…)

The Qurʾān between Judaism and Christianity (University of Nottingham - (…)

The Qurʾān between Judaism and Christianity (University of Nottingham - October/December 2016)

The University of Nottingham Department of Theology and Religious Studies What can the Qurʾān, the Holy Scripture of Islam, teach us about Judaism and Christianity? How does knowledge about (…)

The Qur'an: Text, Society & Culture (London, 10-12 November 2016)

The Qur’an: Text, Society & Culture (London, 10-12 November 2016)

NINTH SOAS CONFERENCE ON THE QUR’AN The Ninth SOAS Conference on the Qur’an has been postponed and will now be held from Thursday 10 to Saturday 12 November 2016. Conveners: Professor M.A.S. (…)